Onno W. Purbo

Retired Indonesian Civil Servant & retired teaching staff member in Electrical Engineering Department Institute of Technology Bandung. His main interest is in Internet & related activities. He remains currently active as one of the provocator in Computer Network Research Group (CNRG) & Knowledge Management Research Group (KMRG) at ITB.

Being a free man, he works mainly at home to write articles and books with single purpose to educate Indonesians on IT. He basically works for no one, although many of his colleague editors & seminar / workshop organizer set deadlines for articles / papers.

He has been writting hundreds if not thousand of IT articles published in various seminars, workshop, national as well as international conferences. More than 10 Internet related books have been published at Elexmedia Komputindo (Gramedia group). One of its best seller is "Teknologi Warung Internet" (Internet Cafe Technology) - which leads to become one of the main provocator of Indonesian Internet Cafe Association (AWARI) at their virtual base asosiasi-warnet@egroups.com.