AMaViS FAQ $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2000/10/31 10:55:11 $ (the hints found in here are mainly contributions to AMaViS. They have neither been checked nor merged by the authors. They are meant to play with until AMaViS is able to handle it by itself...We can give no support if you modify the original distribution files and your system does not operate properly.. Again: ONLY USE THEM IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING !) Q: AMaViS works fine while scanning mails for local recipients. But I use my sendmail to relay mails for another host. How can AMaViS scan relayed mails, too ..? [editors note: please read README.sendmail, too. ] A: For now, there are two possible ways/workarounds to manage that: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (from: Christian Bricart <>) * create a local account for every user you want to handle mail for. This account _may_ be a full account on your Linux box, but eventually does not need a password at all (no login possible). Just set the password to "x" in /etc/shadow .. but be sure NOT to have a NULL PASSWORD ! * hence set up your sendmail host as it was the final receipient host. You eventually have to do aliasing in /etc/aliases (or appropriate), too. * create a ~/.procmailrc for every user who want to "forward" his/her mail: # ~/.procmailrc :0 * ! * is the mail server "behind" your sendmail host it either has to have no MX entry or MX point to itself, and it has to be configured to receive mail for Of course, this is a bit tricky when you have around 200 users or more... But this will help you learn writing small shell scripts .. ;-)) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (from: Stefan Dreyer <>) * enable the use of "mailertable" in your (or appropriate) file: FEATURE(mailertable, hash /etc/mail/mailertable.db)dnl * for every domain you relay for, add a line to /etc/mail/mailertable: procmail:/etc/procmailrcs/virusscan * then do a: "makemap hash /etc/mail/mailertable < /etc/mail/mailertable" and restart sendmail (using e.g. "killall -HUP sendmail") * /etc/procmailrcs/virusscan is a regular procmailrc-file: :0 # forward mail for | /usr/sbin/scanmails $1 $2 * Your sendmail server running AMaViS should be best MX for domain. * should _not_ have an MX entry or it should point to itself (otherwise mail would loop) * find the line "echo No virus found - good >> ${tmpdir}/logfile" in /usr/sbin/scanmails and add the following after the line: # cut off old domainname from name and add other mailserver+domain # --> OUT=`echo $2 | cut -d "@" -f 1` NAME=`echo $OUT@[$3]` # the program 'downcase' just translates everything to lower case # letters # (Memo: (C. Bricart): may be just: "tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'") USER=`/usr/bin/downcase $OUT` # If it is a local receipient, then deliver mail directly # This part should be changed to gdb-routines # as the administrator then has not to change source code to add # new users... # Note: The distinction for local users depends to my local # configuration and should not be necessary for ordinary # use ... if [ "x${deliver}" != "x" ] && [ -x ${deliver} ] ; then if [ $USER = "user.local.1" ] ; then ${deliver} -Y -a $1 -d localuser1 <${tmpdir}/receivedmail elif [ $USER = "user.local.2" ] ; then ${deliver} -Y -a $1 -d localuser2 <${tmpdir}/receivedmail else # not local user -> send to other mailserver... /usr/sbin/sendmail -f $1 -F$1 $NAME <${tmpdir}/receivedmail fi else # now proceed with the original script ... echo "WARNING! No local delivery program available." | log_error [..nothing to be changed from here..] [..] * Extra note from C. Bricart: Perhaps it is better to make a copy of "/usr/sbin/scanmails" to "/usr/sbin/scanmails.relay" and use this script in your /etc/procmailrcs/virusscan, as I am not sure if it may cause any trouble with local delivery as meant by the original script... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I use the Cyrus mailer. How can I get AMaViS work with IMAP? A: Vince Hickey <> wrote: * Change the deliver line in /usr/sbin/scanmails deliver=/usr/bin/procmail to deliver=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver * Modify the file as follows: #Mcyrus, P=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPqA5S@/:|, S=10, R=20/40, # T=X-Unix, # U=imapadm:mail, # A=deliver -e -m $h -- $u # #Mcyrusbb, P=/usr/cyrus/bin/deliver, F=lsDFMnPS, S=10, R=20/40, # T=X-Unix, # U=imapadm:mail, # A=deliver -e -m $u Mcyrus, P=/usr/sbin/scanmails, F=lsDFMnPqA5S@/:|, S=10, R=20/40, T=X-Unix, U=imapadm:mail, A=scanmails -e -m $h -- $u Mcyrusbb, P=/usr/sbin/scanmails, F=lsDFMnPS, S=10, R=20/40, T=X-Unix, U=imapadm:mail, A=scanmails -e -m $u I left the Mlocal stuff alone. It seems to work fine like this...